
Sunday, June 3, 2012

69 of the 146 transferred PRTs join duty

GANGTOK, 30 May: Out of the 146 excess Primary Regular Teachers in East Sikkim recently transferred by the HRDD to other districts, barely half of them have joined duty in their respective places of posting till today.
The department had transferred 65 teachers each to the West and South district and 16 to the North district. It is informed that 35 of the transferred teachers have joined duty in West Sikkim, 30 in South and 4 in North. The remaining 77 teachers are yet to join duty.
Officials at the HRDD further inform that some teachers have intimated the head office here that they will be reporting to their new places of work over the weekend.
The department had earlier, on 23 May, asked the PRTs to report to the respective Joint Directors of the districts to obtain their places of posting within the stipulated period [10 days from receipt of transfer orders] or face disciplinary action Sikkim Government Servants [Discipline and Appeal] Rule. The teachers and their association has protested the transfers demanding that a clear transfer policy be framed before transfers are effected.

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