
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Husband accused of stabbing wife

GANGTOK, 22 May: 27 year old Bhim Bahadur Chettri has been taken into custody on charges of having allegedly stabbed his wife with a Khukuri on Monday night. The incident took place when Ganga Maya Chettri was returning home from work. She has sustained multiple stab wounds and cut injuries.
The neighbours rushed the wife to the Melli PHC from where she was referred to the district hospital at Namchi. It is now being contended that she was frequently subjected to domestic abuse by her husband. A case has been registered at the Melli Police Station against the accused under section 498-A and 307 [husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty and attempt to murder] of the Indian Penal Code. The case is under investigation.

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