
Friday, May 18, 2012

Common Platform asks ruling and opposition to enunciate stand on alleged hydel scam

GANGTOK, 17 May: Members of Platform for Joint Action Against Hydro Projects held an emergency meeting today to discuss recent reports of a hydro power scam in the state amounting to Rs 20,000 crore in a national weekly magazine, informs a press release issued by SIBLAC, convenor, Tseten Tashi Bhutia, who is also the coordinator of the group.
The Platform consists of Sikkim Bhutia Lepcha Apex Committee (SIBLAC), All Sikkim Educated Self Employed and Unemployed Association (ASESE&UA), National Sikkimese Bhutia Organisation (NASBO 371F), Save Sikkim, All Sikkim Monasteries’ Association (ASMAN), Concerned Lepchas of Sikkim (CLOS), Affected Citizen of Teesta (ACT), Denjong Chyarig Tsogpo and People’s Forum on Earthquake (PFOE) .
According to the release, the meeting noted “with concern” that an alleged scam of such magnitude has escaped the attention of the civil society and political leaders. “The revelation made in the national print media portrays a bad image of Sikkim,” the release underlines.
The Platform also condemns the “inaction of opposition political parties on matter of such immense significance” and remaining “mute spectators”.
Further stating that political leaders of both the ruling and opposition should have played the roles of whistleblowers to combat corruption, the Platform has made an appeal to them to “make their stands clear on this Rs 20,000 crore mega power scam”.

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