
Thursday, May 17, 2012

CM hails Tashi Tshering as Sikkim’s ‘First Democratic Soldier’


GANGTOK, 16 May: “On this auspicious occasion, I would like to recognise and name late Tashi Tshering as the first democratic soldier and take this rare privilege to announce installation of life-size statue in his memory,” announced Chief Minister Pawan Chamling in his State Day address delivered at a special function hosted at Chintan Bhawan today. He added that a book on the “lives, struggle and contributions of contemporary democratic workers” will also be published.
Speaking on the struggle for democracy in Sikkim, he said that 37 years ago, this day marked the “culmination of people’s hopes and aspirations for democracy and to be part of a great democratic nation”. Sharing bits about his role in the democratic movement in the 70’s, he informed that he had the “privilege of working closely with hundreds of others during the people’s revolution that took place in the 1970s”.
“Today, I can clearly remember March 31st, 1973, when one late DM Rai of Karothang, Yangang, handed over a letter from late LD Kazi calling me to lead people of South District and join in the people’s revolution. Consequently, on April 5th, 1973 I was one of the young leaders, leading thousands of people at Singtam with slogans like- ‘we want democracy’ – with that demand of ‘one-man, one-vote’. That day at Singtam also marked my formal entry into active politics for establishment of a democratic State,” he shared.
The CM also included a detailed account of the democratic movement culminating in the Merger in his State Day address today, putting on record, “I pay tribute to all the democratic soldiers for their wisdom and foresight to establish government of the people based on people’s franchise”.
The CM further speaking on the issue stated that the role played by hundreds of political leaders, political activists and workers during this long period of political development for self-determination needs to be properly assessed and recorded for posterity. “Many of our younger generation are unaware of the sacrifices made by our elders and forefathers, so it is necessary that our younger generation read and understand Sikkim’s history in the right perspective to find correct path for the future,” he stressed.
He further informed the gathering of the inclusion of the Limboo and Tamang in the list of STs, while the inclusion of the rest of left-out communities from the list was still pending. He expressed confidence that the Government of India will in due course of time consider the request made for the left-out communities into the list so that the state continues to progress steadily with peace, tranquility and communal harmony as a model state in the country.
Speaking on the Sikkim Democratic Front [SDF] party and his government coming to power 18 years ago, he stated that after he was sworn in as head of the government he had announced that he was “first the servant of the people and that he belonged to no political party and safety and well being of all the people including the oppsoition leaders was his responsibility”.
The CM also detailed the large number of programmes and first-of-its-kind schemes started by the government for the welfare and upliftment of the people. He further spoke on innovative programmes started by the government in various fields, such as education, health, social justice, women empowerment, etc for the overall development of the people as well as the state.
Speaking on the issue of hydro-power in the state, he stated that based on analysis, the hydro-power potential is estimated to be in order of 8000 MW and can further go up if the generation capacity of all mini and micro potentials is assessed and accounted for. He however rued that “illogical and unfounded fears were being fanned by vested interest groups who are neither ready to see reason nor ready to listen.”
“If we keep our commitment above petty political upmanship and not linked to unfounded sentiment and emotional blackmail tactics, we can together harness hydro-power to its full potential and make Sikkim economically sound and stable,” he stated.
Speaking on the upcoming Panchayat elections which are to be held in September in Sikkim, he invited the people to fully participate in the elections and to choose their representatives with due care and consultation.
Taking a dig at the opposition, he said that he was aware that his political adversaries were hinting at a new political equation, but he was happy that atleast there were some to “keep him alert and creative in the interest of the people”. “I am not one of those, who would promise a life of Sanyas on losing an election or a life of Hitler on winning it,” the CM quipped.
Further stating that the standard of politics and the process of electioneering has greatly degenerated, the CM said that increasing cases of personal blame game, character assassination, vendetta, mud-slinging and name calling has put the image of the state and country at great risk and added that as per his understanding politics must be practised as an intelluctual, clean and decent game.
Commenting RTI and PILs were being misused for personal gains and as blackmail tactics, he said that certain opposition leaders “long discarded by the people”, were using them as political weapons to destroy the good image of the government through false representation and fabricated papers seeking to mislead the honourable courts on multiple occasions.

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