
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Namchi raid was in connection with new case

GANGTOK, 09 April: The State government has given the go-ahead to the Vigilance Police to investigate allegations of possession of disproportionate assets by Mrs. Krishna Kumari Rai, a government school teacher and wife of dissident SDF MLA from Upper Burtuk, PS Tamang. The recent raid at her residence in Namchi was in connection with the case registered with Vigilance Directorate against her, and not, as was being speculated, in connection with a Vigilance case already being investigated against Mr. Tamang. This latest development is being seen as a sign of hardening of the SDF Government’s stance against the dissident MLA,
Following clearance from the government, the Vigilance Directorate registered a case against Mrs. Rai on 04 April 2012 under the Prevention of Corruption Act. It was in connection with the preliminary investigation of this case that a search operation was conducted in her house at Namchi the next day, on 05 April.
The Vigilance Directorate, as mentioned, already has a case registered against Mr. Tamang. This too is registered under the Prevention of Corruption Act and 120B of the Indian Penal Code and is presently in the East District courts.
The Vigilance Directorate seized several items following its search of Mrs. Rai’s house at Tinzir, College Road, Namchi. She was also questioned on her sources of income and details of expenses. After the raid, all seized items were produced before the Magistrate. The case is in its initial stages of investigation and officials remain tightlipped about the amount and range of disproportionate assets alleged against Mrs. Rai. Officials also refuse to detail the items seized during the search. What they do inform is that the Vigilance Directorate registers a case only after preliminary enquiries on a complaint throw up enough prima facie evidence to justify a full enquiry. In this present case, it is informed that the Vigilance registered the case on “reliable source information”.

1 comment:

  1. Where are we heading to? Earthquake...wrong utilization of aid. Crushing of democracy...absence of a stable water supply to the general public...Crores of rupees of corruption...bad shape of all the infrastructure...and we all gloat on the probability of Sikkim being "Switzerland". Wake up everyone...before tis too late


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