
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Martial artist Ugen Gurung to undergo two-week training in Seoul

GANGTOK, 16 April: Ugen Gurung of Sikkim Amateur Taekwondo Association [SATA] is among five martial artists from the country to be sponsored by the Taekwondo Federation of India [TFI] to undergo a two-week training at Seoul, South Korea in preparation for the upcoming 1st Junior and 2nd Senior Asian Taekwondo Poomsae Championship scheduled to be held at Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam on 04 and 05 May.
Four martial artists from Sikkim had qualified in the 30-member Indian team to represent the country in the championship but only Ugen was able to get the TFI sponsorship for the coaching camp. Other three were Trilok Subba, Rajen Subba and Sabitri Pradhan wherein it is confirmed that Ms Pradhan will participate in the championship and is undergoing a coaching camp under SATA chief coach, Trilok Subba at MCM Dozang at White Hall Complex. Ugen is leaving tomorrow for his coaching camp at Seoul, while Ms Pradhan will go later along with the Indian contingent to the championship at Vietnam.
In a small function held at MCM Dozang this afternoon, SATA members expressed their best wishes to Ugen Gurung and Sabitri Pradhan.
The Chief Coach said that Ugen and Ms Pradhan both are confident and outstanding martial artists who have already played in the national and international championships winning medals and bringing laurel. Ms Pradhan said that to represent the country in the Asian championship was her target and she hopes to win medals and laurel for the country. She encouraged her juniors to continue with their hardwork and training to achieve their goals in the future.
18-year-old Ugen stated that he will be taking part in the Asian championship for the first time and it is also his first time participating in the senior category. He expressed his full confidence to give his best in the championship by making full use of his Seoul training. He gave credit to support from his family, coach and others for his achievements till date.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the youngsters!! Good Sikkim is making a name in the sports arena ! keep up the good work


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