
Saturday, April 7, 2012

GREF wants proof

GANGTOK, 04 April: After facing criticism over the shabby quality of works being carried out by the GREF in various locations in and around the State, Project Swastik is once again in the news for all the wrong reasons.
This time, it is a major complaint of human rights violation against labourers engaged in road projects under GREF.
When NOW! contacted the Joint Director, BRO, AK Das, who is also the spokesperson for Project Swastik stationed at the head office at Burtuk, he refuted the complaints and asked the reporter to bring in ‘proof’ and ‘documents’ to support these complaints.
“There are labourers working here in Sikkim from all over the country and keeping tab on all their problems is not our look-out. If there is a complaint made, please provide me with the complaint letters and the documents only after which I can speak on behalf of the Chief Engineer,” said Mr. Das
Mr. Das, who did not want to give an appointment to the press even though he is the spokesperson for the BRO here [this correspondent has been trying to contact him for more than a month related to various queries regarding the works being initiated by BRO here], stated, “I am presently ill and do not have any time to give time to any reporter and speaking on the phone is also a rare possibility. Bring in the proof and then I will see what needs to be answered,” he said.


  1. A typical high handed attutude by a person who comes from the plains!!! Because the Skkimese smiles at every thing they think even the Sikkimese press can be treated shoddlily!!! would they have dared to do the same in Bihar or even West Bengal!!!!

  2. Stop this victimisation crap. We are Sikkimese and they are from the plains nonsense.

    We get treated so, cause we dont go to courts, the only durable thing, we do is to cry, Sikkimese in Danger.

    There is no proprietorship called Sikkimese. Learn to use the mechanisms available to pursue grievances rather than cry wolf, even this time. The labourers if I read the story correctly were from Jharkhand, we dont even pretend to care about them, look at how they get treated here.

    That nonsense about Sikkimese smiling should have gone out of the window when you might have visited a government office in Gangtok without your father's reference or your husband's.

    Would they dare do it in Bihar and West Bengal? No, cause this is Sikkim, why ask hypothetical questions which are merely rhetorical, and meant for you getting your frustrations out and not for adding any information to the story which makes sense.

    1. eewe!!! what a Vituperative reaction??? why this pent up angst????? there is nothing nonsensical in the statement that the Sikkimese is taken advantage of and is constantly smiling. You may have encountered a few soured faced ones but by and large the Sikkimese is peace loving, so will not go and rankle the officer concerned for more details.

  3. Hey hey, this is surely a very angry person!!!! and i presume from the plains!!! and of course they would not behave the way they do in Sikkim else where coz they'd get beaten blue and black in Bihar and UP( RECALL what happened after the elections) !!!! and hasn't the fellow used the mechanism available to him....he's tried to get an appointment and tried to talk to him.....what else should he do Mr Angry man.....should he way lay him and throttle the correct version out of him......and why this angst about Sikkim and the Sikkimese...whats eating u sikkim subject or a COI???? and u sure appear to be from one of the male dominated Sikkim, the women stand on their own feet and don't have to use their father's or brothers name....they work hard and make a name for themselves!!!!

  4. in Sikkim, the women stand on their own feet and don't have to use their father's or brothers name....they work hard and make a name for themselves!!!!
    Indeed. Cheers to our women, they are superior to 'their' women.

    1. You seem to be holding a grouse against women from Sikkim.....what may be the cause for this ??/ but look around u do find able women here and the whole of north east !!!! and of course there is an edit on the same issue


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