
Saturday, March 24, 2012

SU-affected at Yangyang protest sidelining from recruitment process

GANGTOK, 21 March: The Sikkim University Development Committee [SUDC], a representative organization of landowners from Yangyang affected by the SU campus proposed to be developed there - has alleged that the SU Vice-Chancellor, Prof Mahendra P Lama, has done injustice to the affected people by sidelining them from the recruitment process underway at the university to fill non-teaching vacancies.
A press release issued jointly by the SUDC president, CL Gurung, and member, Hem Kumar Gurung, contends that following an assurance received from Prof Lama during the land acquisition process in 2009, a total of 200 affected people and youth from Yangyang had submitted job applications with his office for consideration during appointment of non-teaching staff at the University. “But even after many recruitment processes, no affected person has received any job opportunity in the University so far,” they rue.
Their disenchantment has been piqued by the recent spate of allegations suggesting that the recruitment process at the University, underway on a huge scale at present, is riddled with intentional irregularities. The SUDC has now joined issue with these allegations and alleged that the VC has sidelined the affected people to secure jobs even in the non-teaching, non-executive posts for outsiders instead.
They contend that recruitments in the non-teaching category at the University were not advertised widely enough for the prospective candidates from the affected area to learn about them in time and apply.
“The people at Yangyang had no any idea about this recruitment,” the release claims, while adding that the VC arranged for the candidates to called for the recruitment through telephonic messages unlike the wide publicity announcing the dates as should have been done.
The SUDC is convinced that the manner in which the vacancies were announced and filled disadvantaged the affected people at Yangyang at a time when special efforts should have been made to include them in the process.
The release announced that the SUDC president has decided to challenge the recruitment process at the Sikkim University on behalf of the people of Yangyang by using the Right to Information Act. It is further added that those responsible for this “injustice to the affected people” will then be taken to court.
The release states that the Chief Minister brought the Central University to Sikkim for the benefit of the people and the educated youth of the State, and goes on to allege that due to autocracy of the VC, neither were locals benefitting by way of jobs nor by way of improved access to higher education.
Likewise, Hem Kumar Gurung, who is also the Sikkim Democratic Front’s student’s wing convener for Rangrang-Yangyang constituency, has announced that the students and youth will come out and protest the “injustice”.


  1. Yes go ahead and use RTI or whatever resources possible because we need justice. Please look into the recruitment process recently carried out i.e., the viva taken on 22nd March where especially VC and the Registrar were in the selection panel (other three people in the selection panel)and played key roles on the recruitment process.People of Sikkim fight for your right.

  2. Ahha, this is what i'd been waiting for ...for a long time...every one gave so much weightage to the Asst prf recruitment and no one was paying attention to the admin recruitment.....even the incumbents taken on contract have to be looked at properly....why do we need ppl from out side in the mgmt side...even designers and animators have been taken but not from sikkim....i think we now have a variety of ppl doing this type of work!! good some one had finally woken up!!! my arguement that admin jobs should necessarily go to the Sikkimese was not taken well in some of the comments column, but when u get a govt institution then the first proiority should be to ppl from that area esp where ppl are available.....these guys should also knock on the gates of the Central agricultural one knows what they are doing down there!!!

  3. The very complain of the people of the landowner seems to be justified but also it reminded me of the famous nepali saying that "Bhalu pogyo namphog halauncha bamphog". I dont know but where did those local went on when there was a advertisement and publicity regarding the in it done??? It is true that the people have lost their priceless land but it is equally true that no job can be obtained just by saying that we have sold our lands. Jago Sikkim jago and jago from the pity politics that makes us ignorant from the known fact.

  4. Yes one can surely not go by the argument that since u gave up the land u are entitled to a piece of the pie in ways of employment through recruitment and contracts when the building process begins.... and also that the land hasn't been donated...ample compensation has been given...may be even more than what the pharmas and the hydros are giving....but the crux is...when a local puts an application whether he be from the donated land or just a local youth then it is presumed that the fellow is dull and lacks basic competencies and not up to the mark....of course people have been applying and with the youth so informed and desperate for jobs I think the Sikkimese has woken up and wants a share in what is rightfully theirs!!!!

  5. A lesson learnt for Prof Lama...the average Sikkimese doesnot believe in reading newspapers ..neither local, national or it should've gone on the local channel too...but with the average concentration power for advertisemtns being low ...many wouldnot have seen that also..coz they flick away to the dance and song channles in the time when the ads are for lama ji and the persons who will continue even after he goes away.....make pamphlets and distribute on the roads of SU site and hire loud speakers for the Yangang site and do the needful accordingly!!!!


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