
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Major tragedy averted as SDF pandal catches fire

JORETHANG, 04 March: The daylong celebration of SDF’s foundation day here nearly ended in a catastrophe when a fire broke out in the venue and brought down the pandal erected at the spot. Although around 36 people were brought to the Jorethang Hospital for medical attention, all of them, save six, had suffered only minor injuries in the stampede that broke out when the fire broke out. Six of the patients were administered first aid and referred to the District Hospital at Namchi for further treatment. Some of the party workers and fire-fighters engaged in battling down the flames and escorting people away have also reported minor burn injuries, it is informed.
The cause of the fire has not been established yet and the DC [South] has ordered a Magisterial enquiry in to the incident.
The fire broke out at around 6:35 in the evening after the Chief Minister’s speech and while the venue was being prepared for the musical concert arranged for the night.
Sources at the Jorethang Hospital  inform that a total of 36 people were brought in with injuries, most of them sustained in the stampede which broke out when the fire broke out. Six of these patients, were provided first aid and referred to Namchi District Hospital.
The people at large and the patients were all praises for the diligence of the Jorethang Hospital doctors and support staff in attending to the patients despite the confusion and chaos.
While speaking to NOW!, some of the victims stressed that the doctors - Dr. Bhawana Rai, Dr. Ram Rai, Dr. Sujata Gurung, Dr. Yamuna Sharma and staff at Jorethang Hospital - did a commendable job and handled the situation exceptionally well.
Meanwhile, DC [South], AK Singh, informed that no serious injuries are reported from the incident and that two rescuers suffered minor burn injuries on their hands while rescuing people. He also confirmed that a magisterial inquiry by the Namchi SDM has been ordered to investigate the incident.  
The SP [South], Manoj Tiwari, meanwhile informed that people present at the ground at the time saw an object “like a ball of fire” falling on the pandal and sparking the fire. A detailed report on the possible causes is expected from the experts and should explain what caused the fire, he added.
He further informed that the Police have only made a General Diary entry on the incident and that the next course of action will depend on the findings of the Fire Department experts.
According to Sheikh Quasim of Jorethang, an eyewitness to the incident, four people - Prakash Chettri (22) of Sumbuk, Deepak Rana (30) of Jorethang, Menla Rasaily (45) of Namthang and Sukh Maya Kalikotey (26) of Namthang - sustained injuries while trying to stop the fire from spreading to the main stage.
With the air heavy with suspicion, the SDF party workers are seeing this as an act of sabotage and raised slogans here against “antisocial” elements. Refusing to allow the incident to cow them down, once the fire had been brought under control, they also held the musical concert scheduled for the evening.


  1. thanks for the stale news.perhaps you should call this blog Sikkim THEN!
    there is one more thing.
    the editor never loses an opportunity to sermonise.
    so where is his sense of proportion when it comes to the lavish waste of money in this Jorethang circus? if the money did not make you squirm what about good taste? i believe the CM lost all sense of reality when he hitched a ride in a four-wheeled swan..
    p.s. the people of UP have delivered a verdict. megalomania does not sell. i hope there is a lesson there for all.

  2. oho, had not read about the ride in the four wheeled swan!!following the mainland in its ostentatious display of money might!!! and where is the editor....this is sikkim so u have to play the field and keep the controversy out , oter wise u get beaten, or torched or such like.

  3. It is wrong on anybody's part to make it sound as if the editor of this paper was complicit with the extravagance that was on display at Jorethang only because he chose not to write on it.
    The celebration at Jorethang was a show of strength of a party which has been in power for close to two decades. The lavishness, seen in this light, was understandable and, to a large extent, justified.
    The anonymous writer before me has made the mistake of giving far more credit to the people of Sikkim than they are otherwise entitled to by equating them with the people of UP. Conversely, the writer should understand that the people of UP are far more shrewd than their countrymen in our part of the world. These people looked beyond the sheen and promises of the Congress, ignored the self-righteousness of the BJP and the narrow identity politics of Mayawati. Angered by total absence of development, the UP people chose a regional party which promised clean governance focused on development.
    The people of Sikkim, on the other hand, are easily dazzled by what is garish and loud. Chamling’s village to village darshan was meant to exploit this very fondness of the people for what is showy as opposed to what carries substance. Opportunists, as most of them are, the people of Sikkim are ready to sell their votes for a bottle of whiskey and a blabber of empty promises made before the elections. The larger interests of the state get supplanted by the immediacy of personal interests.
    The reign of SDF party shall continue as long it continues to dazzle with such gala celebrations- the opulence, on such occasions, a unique way of giving back to the people what is rightfully theirs.
    Golay’s coming to power will, if at all it happens, only change the choice of singers and dancers during such festivities. For, one must appreciate the fact, that each leader must have his own tastes.


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