
Monday, February 20, 2012

A Sikkimese speaking


I read with considerable interest the “LETTERS’ written by Pasaang Tamang of Hingdam, South Sikkim in your august daily. Such an awareness to come from some village in South Sikkim and not from the intelligentsia saturated capital of the State –the Gangtok- is both a delight and sad. What he has said is right and if the Sikkimese as recognized by the Constitution of India does take a lackadaisical posture they have to pay dearly and the posterity will look down upon the present generation with disgust. . When Tamang says “Finally, with folded hands I urge my fellow Sikkimese young and old, unemployed association, ACT, SIBLAC, other public forum etc. to raise a voice against such an injustice to our present and future generation. Act now before it’s too late!” it touches my heart. He is speaking a truth and pays well for each and everyone who claim themselves to be Sikkimese (Indians of Sikkimese origin as enshrined in the Constitution) to ponder over and react loudly and clearly to be heard both within the State and in Delhi. Finance Minister then, P. Chidambaram, in his wisdom has very clearly defined the Sikkimese while giving Income Tax exemptions under Finance Bill/Act 2008- christened 26AAA inserted in Section 10 and to dilute it in any manner is unacceptable. The Act defines Sikkimese as:

   “ A “Sikkimese” is anyone whose “name is recorded in the register maintained under Sikkim Subjects Regulation, 1961, read with Sikkim Subject Rules, 1961, immediately before 26 April, 1975; or individuals whose name is included in the Register of Sikkim Subjects by virtue of the Government of India Order No. 26030/36/90-I.Ci. of August 7, 1990 and Order of even number dated April 08, 1991; or, any other individual whose name does not appear in the Register of Sikkim Subjects but it is established beyond doubt that the name of such individual's father or husband or paternal grandfather or brother from the same father has been recorded in that Register.”

Sikkim Legislators in their wisdom have already recommended the privileges to be bestowed to this section of this community numbering around 400 families and it augurs well for all of us residing in this peaceful State to stick to it and support their cause irrespective of any party affiliation so that we can continue to live with peace and harmony  in this tranquil State- the State considered the most peaceful (including Mizoram) among all the NE States as per former Home Minster G.K. Pillai only the other day in Guwahati and further added this example should be emulated by other NE States.

When house is getting aflamed we have to learn to forget about our party affiliations, tribe, caste and class and unite for a common cause. That is what is required in present day Sikkim and importantly watching every move detrimental to Sikkim from whatever quarter it comes should be well guarded against.

1 comment:

  1. What exactly is the point of this letter?? - it pins down nothing and goes around in a rigmarole- a typical sikkimese habit, does the letter writer want that outsiders who refused to take the sikkim subject when offered by the erstwhile ruler of sikkim be allowed the tax exemption???? or what exactly is it?? and has the esteemed Pillai saheb lived in sikkim for more than an hour to know the latent fissures that runs through the three ethnic groups, with each one pulling down the other??? it is just that the sikkimese is just too laid back and scared to even sneeze loudly!!!!


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