
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

RK Patra Headed Commissions of Inquiry extended for 6 months

GANGTOK, 02 Feb: Contrary to reports and rumours of Retired Chief Justice RK Patra having resigned from service under the State government he, or rather the Commissions of Inquiry headed by him, have been given a fresh lease of life – at least for another 6 months – by the government.
Three of the Commissions of Inquiry headed by the Law Commission Chairman, RK Patra have had their terms extended for another 6 months. This includes the Commission of Inquiry instituted last January by the state government to look into allegations of misappropriation of government funds and corruption as leveled by the state Congress party. The state government has extended its term for another 6 months from 8 January. The next deadline for it to submit its report on the allegations of misappropriation on the charges accusations which have also been forwarded to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) by the state Congress, is 7 July 2012. Recently there were reports that Retired Chief Justice RK Patra had resigned; however it is now reported that this along with other Commissions of Inquiry have been actually just been served with extensions. This Commission has been conducting its hearings on a regular basis.

The next deadline for the two Commissions to submit its respective reports is 30 June, 2012. Their terms have been extended from 01 January this year.
In fact as regards the other 2 Commissions this is probably the sixth instance that the state government has decided to extend the term to enable the Commission to submit its report. One Commission of Enquiry was instituted by the government to examine and inquire into allegations of issuance of forged or fake Sikkim Subject Certificates and Certificates of Identification. This Commission was instituted in November 2009 and has yet to forward its report and findings. This Commission of Inquiry was to examine cases of unauthorized and illegal SSCs and CoIs as well as inquire into the prevalence of unauthorized or illegal trade licenses. While initially the Commission was to submit its report in 6 months’ time it has been served extensions and now for another 6 months.
The other Commission of Inquiry was instituted by the government to look into allegations of sale or lease or transfer of land from private individuals land owners to organizations and private companies etc. This Commission too is headed by Retired Chief Justice RK Patra and was initially notified in November, 2009. The report of this Commission is also awaited and has been provided with an extension of another 6 months till June.

1 comment:

  1. What is this business of extending the time???? what is Justice Patra busy with that the work can't be completed on time?? its an amazing way of wasting public money and staying on in power despite having retired, and what interest would the man from Ordisha have in finding about fake sikkim subject....either way ...fake or not...none of his relatives will be affected, right...correct me if am wrong!!!!


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