
Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have been seriously following the news items appearing at different local news papers about the current issue regarding the appointment of teaching and non – teaching staff recruited by the HRD Department under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. From these news items I understand that these employees were recruited on ad – hoc basis till the end of this academic session. Now this representative of the so called ad – hoc staffs are on hunger strike demanding regularisation of their services in the same post where they were working. I further understand from these news papers that HRD Department has taken a firm stand not to accept the demands of these agitated teachers on the ground that their appointment letters clearly mentions that their appointments were purely temporary till the end of 2011 session.
I as a well qualified educated unemployed youth with all required qualification to become a graduate teacher, fully support the stand taken by the Department/Government. Like me there are many aspiring educated unemployed youth eager to compete to get a job in the government sector. Therefore it will be a right decision for the government to hold competitive exams to select the best candidates. This issue of competition becomes more important when it comes to selection of teachers, there should be no compromise on this issue as teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of coming generation. Government looks committed to deliver good quality education for which teachers are the key players.
We all know that very recently also a viva – voice interview was conducted by the department to select teaching and non teaching staff under SSA, again on adhoc basis. However, this also seems to be only a temporary solution, In this background not only me but all the educated unemployed youth of the state fully support the stand taken by the Department and look forward to early competitive examination to fill the vacancies on regular basis. This will not only solve the administrative problem of the department but also benefits the students and society in general. This exercise will also lessen the burden of unemployment problem on the government in view of the growing unemployment problem in the state.

Received on email
An Educated Unemployed Youth

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