
Monday, February 20, 2012

Nagarik Sangarsh Samiti’s demands anti-Sikkimese

Reported news of Sikkim NOW on 14th February 2012 about Nagarik Sangarsh Samiti, led by Prem Goyal, demanding IT exemption and, above all, equal status in all matters is preposterous attempt to dilute and do away with the rights of the Sikkimese. And it is a very sad state of affair that people and political parties, in general, seems to be least bothered about such an important issues that not even a hint of apprehension/opposition is visible in the public domain.  Where are those political parties and the Sikkimese people that are so vocal in placing demands and often seen in limelight for petty issues, whereas the future of the all Sikkimese are at stake!
The population influx from other state is rising, overwhelmingly, at present in a gargantuan rate which is evident in all urban areas, towns and villages and the number of local unemployed persons are alarmingly increasing as well; in this backdrop when people like Prem Goyal are placing such outrageous demands, all Sikkimese should unitedly resist such anti-Sikkimese policy and oppose outright this ludicrous attempt of this Lobby. The mute response from all the political parties puts a question mark in their credibility and commitment towards the interests and welfare of the Sikkimese people. Perhaps, driven by personal gains, they may be working hand in glove for fulfilling this objective, who can tell?
One fails to understand, how such an issue is raised by such handful of group, so boldly without meeting any resistance from any sections, while the entire Sikkimese are acting like an indifferent spectator. Maybe this business lobby has forged some understanding across all political parties and coaxing them into going along and selling our rights and privileges  in the process. It is very surprising that an unknown BJP Rajya Sabha MP by the name S S Alhuwalia is raising this issue in the Parliament on behalf of the Goyal Lobby. I wonder whether he knows anything about the culture, traditions, and other historical events of Sikkim. How Mr.Alhuwalia qualifies/dares to raise such issue pertaining to the rights of Sikkimese when he is not related, whatsoever, to Sikkim in any manner. I wonder what made him raise this issue at all? Finally, with folded hands I urge my fellow Sikkimese young and old, unemployed association, students association, ACT, SIBLAC, other public forum etc. to raise a voice against such an injustice to our present and future generation. Act now before it’s too late!

Passang Tamang,
South Sikkim

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