
Friday, February 10, 2012

300 complete DONER sponsored tourism training by TAAS

GANGTOK, 01 Feb: Travel Agents Association of Sikkim (TAAS) successfully completed a set of ten courses for tourism stake holders of North East Region and sponsored by North Eastern Council (NEC), Ministry of DONER and further supported by Government of Sikkim. A press release issued by TAAS also informs that there has been excellent feedback on the programme by the trainees.  All the eight North East States including Sikkim participated in the trainings. A total of 440 trainees had applied for the courses of which 300 participants successfully completed the courses and were handed their certificates. Examinations were conducted for all the courses and the trainees were also asked to prepare a project reports.
The programme included trainings on Capacity Building, Air Ticketing, Marketing and that for Trekking Cooks and German language. As per the press release the last 4 trainings for (1) German   Language, (2) Marketing, promotion Publicity, (3)(Advertising, Air ticketing, Banking &  Foreign Exchange and (4) Trekking Cook. Were completed with the valedictory function held here at Gangtok. Capacity building trainees drawn from all eight states, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura and Sikkim.
 The certificates were handed out at a valedictory function organised here at Gangtok by the Chief Guest Mr.Karma Tashi Bhutia, Managing Director, Royal Demazong Hotels & Resorts, Mrs. Lee Pandi Targain, Assistant Director, Tourism, Mr.S.K.Pradhan former President TAAS and the Managing Director Siniolchu International and senior members of TAAS.

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