
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rural sportspersons head for national PYKKA engagements

GANGTOK, 02 Jan: The recently concluded state-level Panchayat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan [PYKKA] Sports Competitions 2011-12 provided a platform to many rural and first-time [in competitive format] sportspersons from across the State.

A total of 1,250 athletes from all over Sikkim participated in the event organized by the Department of Sports & Youth Affairs in December last year. The competition featured a total of ten disciplines- athletics, archery, badminton, boxing, football, kho-kho, table tennis, taekwondo, volleyball and wushu.
During the state-level competition, the department deputed the venue in-charges of every discipline as selectors to shortlist the state contingent for the National PYKKA Sports Competitions to be held at different parts of India. These selectors were the coaches and chief coaches of different disciplines.
The state team for football [boys and girls] has already left to represent Sikkim at the National PYKKA Sports Competition being held in Bangalore, while taekwondo, athletics and volleyball teams left today for the national competition being organized in Kolkata.
Similarly, the kho-kho team will be leaving for Siliguri and Table Tennis, badminton and boxing teams will be leaving to Chennai next month for the national PYKKA competitions.

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