
Friday, January 13, 2012

Landslips disrupt water supply to Gangtok

GANGTOK, 12 Jan: Water supply to parts of Gangtok was disrupted yesterday a result of heavy snowfall in the higher regions from where water is sourced. Minor landslips, caused by rain and snowfall along the Ratey Chu to Selep reservoir pipeline, crushed supply lines at 14 km.
Divisional Engineer, Water Supply [Gangtok] of the Public Health Engineering Department, MK Subba, while speaking to NOW!, informed that these landslips covered a 14 inch and two 06 inch pipelines that supply water to Selep Tanki from the water source at Ratey Chu. This constricted the supply to the reservoir and hence homes here received disrupted supplies.
“As soon as we learnt about the incident, personnel from the PHE Department were immediately dispatched to clear the debris and work underway on a war footing and water supply expected to be restored to normalcy by Friday afternoon,” he further informed.

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