
Thursday, January 12, 2012

30 archers begin preparations for Senior Nationals

GANGTOK, 11 Jan: Thirty archers from across the State are undergoing the winter coaching-cum-preparation camp for the Senior Nationals Archery [Compound and Recurve] Championship, which began on 08 January here at Paljor Stadium.
The coaching camp is being organized by Sikkim Archery Association [SAA] under chief coach, Zigmee Yodzer Lepcha, assisted by coaches, Thupten Rongkup and Dawa Zigden Lepcha.
SAA is also organizing the State Level Archery Championship on 19 and 20 January at Paljor Stadium which will also be the selection trial for the Senior Nationals, scheduled to be held in Jharkhand from 24 to 29 January. In the championship, an eight-member team with four archers each in Compound and Recurve events will represent the state.
Chief Coach, Mr Lepcha informed that the SAA has also picked new talented archers who were identified during the recently held PYKKA Sports Competition to hone their skills further to take them to higher levels.
The training session begins with physical exercises and other technical training from 7 AM in the morning while shooting practice starts from 11 AM and continues till 3 PM with a 30-minute break in between for lunch.

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