
Monday, December 19, 2011

Winter chill sets in early

GANGTOK, 14 Dec: It is not just the bone-chilling flow from the taps, but even weather statistics bear out that the winter chill has made its presence felt a little earlier than usual this year, with the town already starting to experience its severity.

As per the Meteorological Department, Gangtok, the minimum temperature recorded so far was on 13 Dec at 5.8 degree C with the day also recording the lowest maximum temperature of 10.4 degree C.
The minimum temperature recorded on 13 Dec in 2010 was 7.2 degree C, comparatively higher than what we experienced this year.
If we have to analyze the extremity of the cold so far, by the minimum difference between the max and min temperature then 03 Dec had recorded the difference of 1.4 degree C (max temperature recorded as 12.5 degree C and minimum as 11.1 degree C).
This is also low as compared to what we experienced in 2010, where the minimum range difference in the temperature was on 12 Dec with the difference of 2.9 degree C (max 12.3 degree C and min 9.4 degree C).
However, according to the Met office, in view of various factors, the coldest day recorded till date this year was on 11 Dec which had maximum temperature recorded as 10.5 degree C and the minimum dipping to 8.2 degree C.
The maximum temperature recorded so far this month was 17.3 degree C on 01 and 02 Dec, with the temperature subsequently dropping down on the following days.
Though the climatic condition may have literally sent shivers down people’s spines in the past few days, the department explains that technically physical ‘discomfort’ is yet to be experienced.
According to Meteorological In-charge, GN Raha if there is a wind speed of 16 km/hr, it leads to a perceived temperature reduction of up to 20 degree C, and then, people experience a heightened level of ‘discomfort’.
In this context, he adds that Gangtok has experienced almost no wind over the recent days, hence the apparent ‘feeling’ and exact temperatures have remained roughly same, creating no kind of unease as such to the people.
On the climatic condition for the rest of the winter, the department projects that it cannot predict any particular kind of weather but remains positive on clear skies accompanied by fog by tomorrow.

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