
Sunday, December 11, 2011

RC Poudyal wants CM and Bhandari to ensure proper earthquake rehabilitation within one month

GANGTOK, 08 Dec: Rising Sun Party president, RC Poudyal, today announced the one month period he has given to Chief Minister Pawan Chamling and Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee president, Nar Bahadur Bhandari, to “work for the welfare and proper rehabilitation of the 18 September earthquake affected people around the state.”

He alleged that the exchange of allegations and claims between the present and former CM were just a pretense to fool the people and that they were both infact in collabortion. He further demanded that the two leaders show their support to each other openly.
Mr Poudyal warned that if the government does not provide proper compensation and relief to earthquake victims by 10 January next year, then he would file a writ petition against them. He stated that he will start drafting writ petitions immediately and include what he sees as various wrong-doings and corruption charges.
Mr Poudyal also mentioned today that he was against the high number of hydel projects being brought to the state and sale of land to companies from outside Sikkim to set up their units here. He also opposes the long tenure of the present CM, which “is not good for the state”, he argues.
On the topic of SDF dissident MLA, PS Tamang, he expressed that he extends his full support to Mr Tamang as he has the potential to become the next CM but needs to come out in the open first.

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