
Friday, December 23, 2011

CM thanks all sections for post-earthquake assistance

GANGTOK, 21 Dec:  The one-day winter session of the Sikkim Legislative Assembly was convened here at the Legislative Assembly this morning with the House unanimously passing the Sikkim Online gaming (Regulation) Amendment Bill introduced by the Chief Minister, Pawan Chamling, who also holds the Finance portfolio.
The statements of objects and reasons for the amendment Bill explains that the Government has felt it necessary to amend the Act by inserting provisions relating to Authority for overseeing and regulating the functions of online gaming and sports gaming, and provisions relating to the Appellate Authority for making appeal against the orders of the Authorized Officer under the said Act and rules.

The session began earlier with the Speaker, KT Gylatsen, recording an obituary reference on the passing away of former MLA, ex-Minister Padam Bahadur Gurung, which was followed by a condolence message for the lives lost to the 18 September earthquake. The House also observed a two-minute silence in the memory of the deceased.
The Chief Minister, in his address, remarked that the 18 September Earthquake had caused a lot of anguish and sorrow in the state, adding that the extensive damage to life and property caused has put back the development process here by 5 to 7 years.
He, however, stressed that the process of rebuilding has begun strong and highlighted that priority for all sections of people should be this rebuilding effort.
While highlighting that earthquakes were not a new phenomenon for Sikkim, he said that now it was time for the state machinery and the people to collaborate and contribute towards rebuilding and ensuring that Sikkim grows into a model state in earthquake resistance.
“I am thankful to the Centre, and especially the Prime Minister who sanctioned Rs. 1,000 crore as interim relief. Similarly, I am also grateful to other senior leaders who came to Sikkim and showed their support for us. The different state governments, social organisations, individuals, private sector undertakings who have contributed to the CM’s relief fund should also be thanked for their selfless contributions,” stated the CM. he also thanked the state government machinery, defense forces, Indian Army, various NGOs and the BRO for their pro- active support and help during the time of crisis.
He added that the state government had also requested the Centre to establish a full-fledged Disaster Management Cell in the state to ensure better preparedness against similar disasters in the future and in the process making Sikkim a model state for disaster mitigation.
He said that his government had also submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister stating that the total loss due to the earthquake was Rs. 6,890 crore.
“We have lost so much but we are not demoralized as we have maintained and restored normalcy within the state. Even the opposition parties, irrespective of their affiliations, have contributed to the rehabilitation process in their own ways which is deeply appreciated. This time, we all have worked for the same goal which has seen us through this difficult time, so I am grateful to all sections for their unconditional support,” stated the Chief Minister.
In his obituary reference, he detailed the political journey of the late PB Gurung who passed away on 05 October aged 72. The CM stated that the passing away of late Gurung was a loss for the state as the former legislator was also an active social worker, respected for his simplicity and down to earth nature.
“He was a philanthropic and dedicated leader who served as minister in the NB Bhandari government for two tenures in 1985 and 1989. His dedication as a social worker has helped many school drop-outs and senior citizens continue formal education. He was a dynamic individual and the state will remember his contributions forever,” expressed the CM.
Also to participate in the obituary reference was MLA, Daramdin and Minister Roads and Bridges, RB Subba.
The House also saw the RM&DD Minister, CB Karki, present the Annual Technical Inspection report of the Accountant General, Sikkim, for the year 2009-2010 of Panchayati Raj Institutions, Government of Sikkim. Similarly, the Speaker announced the presentation of Annual reports of the government departments and Commission in the house today.

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