
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cabbies unite to demand hike in taxi fare, roll back in HSRP price


GANGTOK, 30 Nov: Following a general meeting held here today which emptied the capital of taxi, the Central Joint Action Committee [CJAC] of Local Taxi Driver’s cum Owners Association has decided to submit a memorandum to the State government on the agendas discussed at the meeting.

The meeting, held here at the Paljor Stadium gymnasium hall, witnessed a huge participation of executive members and drivers from all registered local taxi drivers cum owners associations under CJAC.
Taxi fare was the most passionately discussed point at the meeting with drivers expressing dissatisfaction with the present rate-board for taxi vehicles and demanding an immediate review by the concerned authorities. The review process, they demanded, should include driver representatives.
Another important agenda discussed in detail at the meeting was the High Security Registration Plate. Participants at the mass meeting complained extensively about the high price fixed for these registration plates in Sikkim compared to other states. The meeting, while demanding a moderation of the price, agreed to then acquire the HSRP after the process has been completed for all government and private vehicles.
In his address, the CJAC president, Chung Chung Bhutia, urged drivers to stand united and work for the welfare of their colleagues. He also suggested that they elect “sincere” representatives to their associations so that issues concerning them are raised effectively in all forums.
He underlined that the demand for revision of the rate board was a genuine and important issue of drivers and needs to be addressed immediately for the benefit not only of drivers but also for the masses.
He rued that despite several written communiqués to the concerned department on the demand, no action has been taken till date.
On HSRP, Mr Bhutia mentioned that the CJAC has been against its implementation right since its initial stages convinced that it was an unnecessary expense because the price had been fixed so high in Sikkim.
He also mentioned that the CJAC would also suggest to the government to stop issuing any more commercial taxi licenses in light of the present traffic congestion on Gangtok roads.
Commenting on various other agendas, the president informed that all these “genuine agendas and issues” would be placed before the Chief Minister.
Addressing the gathering, the CJAC general secretary, Lakpa Sherpa, in turn, mentioned that the CJAC is seeking a policy change by which an automatic hike in taxi fares is undertaken on an annual basis in consultation with the stakeholders and their associations. He mentioned that the CAJC was ready to help and support the department in this effort.
He further informed that the last revision of fares was done in the year 2006 and was accepted by the driver associations. No revision has been undertaken since then despite repeated reminders by the CJAC, which began petitioning the department in 2009.
On the HSRP, he mentioned that local taxis are ready to opt for it on the condition that the cost is brought down and after all government and private vehicles had been covered.
He also reiterated that the CJAC was willing to support the State Government on any effort aimed at curtailing the number of new commercial taxis getting registered in Sikkim.
Mr Sherpa also highlighted that since the State government has created many new tourism spots across the State, it was now important for the quality of roads to these new destinations was improved. He further mentioned that drivers should be informed properly about places of tourist interest in Sikkim and the new infrastructure created so that they could inform tourists accordingly.
He informed that today’s meeting was held with the permission of the Chairman, All Sikkim Truck & Taxi Owner’s and Driver’s Association, Transport Minister, TT Bhutia. He added that all the agendas discussed in the meeting would be taken to the Chairman then placed with the Government.
At the meeting, representatives from different local taxi associations placed their problems, grievances and suggestions. They also advised fellow drivers to maintain discipline and remain sincere and responsible towards their jobs.
The meeting also included an interactive session between the executive members of the CJAC and drivers.

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