
Thursday, November 24, 2011

State’s high-powered committee on Ratong Chu HEPs begins preliminary survey of affected area

GANGTOK, 23 Nov: Within days of the State government constituting a high-powered committee under the Chief Secretary to examine issues related to the project implementation and other aspects related to the three hydel projects on the Rathong Chu in West Sikkim, the committee members have begun the task of conducting tours and surveys of the affected areas in West Sikkim.
Two members of the committee visited West District on 22 November and it is informed that they conducted what can be called a preliminary survey of the affected area under the Tashiding hydel project. 
The 96 Mega Watt Tashiding hydel project being developed by Shiga Pvt Ltd was in the news recently with some affected people having formed an association by the name of “Save Sikkim” which has been rallying against the project and had even submitted its memorandums to the Governor as well as to the DC, West, a few days back. 
KN Bhutia, Secretary, Industries and Secretary, Power Department, AK Giri, were the two members of the high-powered committee who visited the Tashiding project site.
Officials inform that they were there to take stock of the status of the project in terms of its progress; apart from that they also had an informal interaction with a few villagers who, it is informed, are among the affected lot.
During the informal survey, it was ascertained by the visiting committee members that the construction work of the Tashiding project had commenced in May this year and the company had completed construction of about 6 to 9 kms of its internal road network to the proposed power house site.
This nearly 9 km long road is informed to stretch from Sakyong to Kageythang where the location of the power house has been identified.  Here, it is informed, is also located a 30 km PMGSY road.
It was also ascertained by the visiting officials that the company had finalized the location for the construction of its tunnels particularly the sites of its adits I, II and III. It is informed that the tunneling works have not yet started, however, the company has completed the tendering process and the work of constructing the tunnels has been awarded to a Malaysia based firm.
This firm will begin tunneling works from December onwards. Other major construction works at the project site have also yet to commence.
While interacting with project officials and members of the local populace, the two officials are also informed to have also ascertained that the land acquisition process had been completed with almost all land oustees having been provided their due compensation.
However, a few are yet to be paid, it is informed. The company has made a payment of around Rs.16 crore as land compensation to the concerned District Collector.
Officials inform that during their interaction with the few members of the affected public there was no negative feedback as regards the development of the project  on the Rathong Chu. In fact, it is reported that during their interactions, they expressed that they were happy with the project especially as regards development of the area and also are reported to have stated that they had no objection to the development of the project.
In the coming days it is expected that there will be further preliminary tours of the other affected project areas.
On the other hand, officials also inform that they have still not been intimated about any committee set up by the central government to examine the issues related with the development of the three hydel projects on the Rathong Chu namely, the 99 MW Ting Ting Hydro Electric Project; the 97 MW Lethang HEP and the 96 MW Tashiding HEP.
The establishment of such a committee by the state government has ostensibly followed the reaction of the central government as well as the several representations made to the state government by organizations here such as SIBLAC and the Buddhist associations raising concerns about erosion and disturbance of certain religious and cultural symbols attached with the Rathong Chu river on which all the three named projects are to be developed.
While the 96 MW Lethang HEP has not been accorded the No Objection Certificate by the National Wildlife Board, the other two have obtained environment clearances.

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