
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sikkim’s Buddhist culture in danger of collapse due to hydel projects on Rathong Chu: SIBLAC

GANGTOK, 22 Nov: The Sikkim Bhutia Lepcha Apex Committee [SIBLAC] has thanked Minorities Commission member, Spalzes Angmo, for her recent statement that the three hydel projects on the Rathong Chu were a threat to the Buddhist culture of the Himalayas. The organisation has also taken exception to the Lok Sabha MP, PD Rai’s comment that the hydel protest was limited to a ‘section of the people’ and contended that hydel projects have “provoked” opposition from a wide range of organisations.
In a press statement issued today, the SIBLAC convenor, Tseten Tashi Bhutia, argues that the “ancient Himalayan Buddhist culture is in danger of collapse in Sikkim” due to the three hydel projects on Rathong Chu in West Sikkim – Lethang, Ting-Ting and Tashiding.
Pointing out that Buddhism originated in India, he rues that the religion is virtually extinct in the country now and survives only in its sub-Himalayan region. “...Buddhism was virtually extinct in India by the end of the 19th century excluding sub-Himalayan regions like Ladakh, Sikkim and Darjeeling with which Buddhism survived from ancient times. The only surviving Buddhist country in the world is Bhutan; the others--Tibet, Ladakh, and Sikkim--have been absorbed by China and India,” he details.
“Instead of criticizing Mrs. Angmo, the State Government should seriously give a thought what she said during her recent visit to Sikkim and design its development plans in a concerted effort to preserve Buddhist traditions that are dying in India,” he states.
Pointing out that Buddhism has flourished in Sikkim since its formation as a nation-state, he adds that the State’s Buddhist culture has fascinated scholars, poets, writers, painters, photographers and adventure sports lovers. This could be leveraged to promote Buddhist Circuit Tourist, he states, adding that SIBLAC welcomes the Tourism policy of the present Government in projecting Sikkim as a pilgrimage centre to visiting tourists.
“However, we denounce its policy of promoting hydro-power projects that have exposed the ancient Buddhist culture to a great danger,” he stresses.
The press statement also clarifies that the “movement against hydro power projects in Sikkim is not confined among a ‘section of people’ as projected by the Government”.
“The HPPs in Sikkim have provoked opposition for numerous social, environmental, economic and safety reasons. Submergence of lands, homes, fields and forests on a large scale will displace hundreds of people. Damming and diversion of rivers will severely disrupt the downstream flows, impacting agriculture and fisheries and threatening livelihoods of entire populations. Degradation of the natural surroundings and a massive influx of migrant workers will have grave implications for the culture and identity of distinct Sikkimese people, who are protected under Article 371F of the Constitution,” he concludes.

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