
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sakya Trinzin to leave for Darj on 4 Nov

GANGTOK, 01 Nov: Sakya Trizin, the Supreme Head of the Sakyapa Order of Tibetan Buddhism will be bestowing Tsewang to the public on Wednesday, 02 November.
A press release issued by  Director, Sa-Ngor Chotsong Centre, Kunga Y.Hochotsang, informs that during his stay in Gangtok, he bestowed Chakrasambhava teaching and Vajrayogini blessings and teachings to his devotees.  The participants to the elaborate teachings on Vajrayogini were mainly from Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia, Brazil, Canada and America besides the monks from Sikkim, Dehradun  and neighbouring areas of  Darjeeling.
Sakya Trizin will be leaving for Darjeeling on 04 November and during his 10-day stay in Darjeeling he will be bestowing teachings etc to the local public there.
Though Sakya Trizin and Dungsay Rinpoches will be leaving for Darjeeling, Luding Khenchen Dorjichang and Thartse Khen Rinpoche will be staying back at Ngor Gompa and will bestow public empowerment (Kawang) on 06 and 12 November. 

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