
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Red Fest at Tadong Govt School

GANGTOK, 25 Nov: The Red Fest team with the message of non-discrimination of HIV and AIDS infected people, sharing awareness and encouraging students to participate in voluntary blood donation reached Govt. Senior Secondary School, Tadong today.
In her address, the Principal of the School, Doma Lhamu Zimba, said, “The Programme was very interesting and was mainly meant to generate awareness about HIV & AIDS among school students. Through interactive programmes like this one, the learning process becomes easier and interesting. The students gained a lot of knowledge from the Intervention Programme.”, informs a press release.
Speaking about the programme, the nodal teacher for Red Ribbon Club Tadong SSS, Bharati Sharma said, “The programme ‘Red Fest’ has been received by all the students and teachers with much excitement. The method used by the organizers is very effective in disseminating correct information on HIV & AIDS.”, the release informs. The next school to be intervened under Positive Intervention is West Point Senior Secondary School, on 26 Nov.
Red Fest, an initiative of Sikkim State AIDS Control Society, in addition to school and college interventions has music and football competitions titled ‘Red Ribbon Super band, and Red Five’ respectively. The registration forms for these competitions are being issued from today, i.e. 25th November, in all the four districts of Sikkim, the release adds.

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