
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Long-term earthquake rebuilding cost projected at Rs. 7,400 crore


GANGTOK, 29 Nov: Sikkim’s long term rebuilding, post the 18 September Earthquake will cost an estimated Rs. 7,400 crore. This is the projection prepared by the State government and put up to the Centre as a final memorandum on 28 November. A total of 17 departments have submitted Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) o rebuilding works to be undertaken by them, it was informed.
Officials inform that this is the final memorandum [the first was submitted soon after the earthquake]. With the earlier memorandum was for immediate repairs required, the latest one is more detailed and includes long-term initiatives. With this, the total amount of sought by Sikkim to overcome the earthquake setback adds up to over Rs. 10,000 crore.
The earlier memorandum for immediate or short term measures of repair and rehabilitation was computed at Rs. 2,811.99 crore.
Following this, all departments were directed to prepare their respective DPRs for long term rebuilding measures. This, again, was done at the behest of the central government which intimated the State on the procedures to be followed and various conditions to be met in order to avail central government funds on the grounds of damages due to natural calamity and disasters. 
While earlier, the departments were directed to submit their respective DPRs by 30 October, this date was extended to 30 November. This time, the departments met the deadline and the State submitted its final memorandum for rebuilding measures ahead of even the 30 November deadline. 
In fact, on 30 November a meeting is scheduled at the Ministry of Home Affairs with officials of the State government to discuss and decide on the proposal put up by the State and also to deliberate on the various sources from which Sikkim could be provided the required funds.
Officials inform that there are various sources from which the Centre may decide to release funds to Sikkim. These include the North East Council, the Department of North Eastern Region (DONER) and the Planning Commission.
In fact, it is likely that the Rs. 7,400 crore projection along with the earlier amount of Rs. 2,811.99 crore will be divided among the various sources at the disposal at the Centre for funds allocation to the state. It will also be interesting to see whether the centre will agree to quantum for funds put up by the state or make its own inputs and deductions.
Meanwhile, thus far, the State has received only Rs. 50 crore as central assistance, provided when Home Minister, P Chidambaram, visited Sikkim in late September. Apart from this, the State, as part of its annual allotment, had Rs. 24 crore in its State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF).
So , in effect, and as officials confirm, Sikkim had only Rs. 74 crore to infuse into its immediate relief and rehabilitation efforts even as the total expenditure in these efforts has already gone way over Rs. 100 crore. This has resulted in numerous bills pending with various departments awaiting central funds for them to be redeemed. The accounts for the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund are kept by the Chief Minister’s Office.

BUILDINGS & HOUSING DEPTT PROJECTS LARGEST CHUNK OF FUNDS REQUIREMENTThe largest chunk of the proposed funds, as detailed in the final memorandum totaling over Rs. 7,400 crore sought by the State for long term rebuilding measures, comprises finances sought by the Buildings and Housing Department.
Officials inform that the detailed project report submitted by the Buildings & Housing Department for rebuilding measures comes to a little over Rs. 1,700 crore. This is largely because of the extensive damage incurred by government owned buildings and structures, including schools, throughout the State in the hands of the earthquake.
The proposal of the State, as submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs, for such damaged structures includes relocation and reconstruction; major repairs and retrofitting etc for re-strengthening. The proposal is that important buildings which have suffered extensive damage be relocated and reconstruction be undertaken. For other buildings which have suffered damages such as the Tashiling Secretariat, the undertaking of major repairs is proposed, and for minor damages retrofitting has been proposed. It will be interesting to see whether the centre decides upon a government of India agency to undertake construction works.
The reconstruction and repairs of school buildings, over 400 of which have been damaged throughout the state, is also included in the Department’s projections.
Along with the Buildings and Housing department, another big chunk of the Rs. 7400 crore comprises the proposal put up by the Roads & Bridges department. The road network of the state, particularly in north and west Sikkim, was severely affected and remained disrupted for an extended period of time. The Department, it is informed, has put up a proposal for reconstruction and repairs of all affected roads in the state. Other departments which have put up their DPRs include the UD&HD, Health, Animal Husbandry, Land Revenue, Mines & Geology, Power, Irrigation and Flood Control, Agriculture, PHE and others.

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