
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Governor highlights Chacha Nehru’s special affection for Sikkim to urge stronger abidance to his vision

GANGTOK, 14 Sept: Governor Balmiki Prasad Singh today presented financial assistance of Rs 1.50 lakh each to the Dzongu-based NGO, Mutanchi Lom Aal Shezum [MLAS], and Press Club of Sikkim during the Children’s Day celebrations held here at Chintan Bhawan.
This financial assistance to MLAS is in aid for the Lepcha Model House-cum-Museum, while the grant to PCS is for the promotion of Rural Reporting in Sikkim. This assistance, it was informed, is to be maintained in a fixed deposit and the accruing interest utilised for the respective purposes.
Addressing the function, the Governor pointed out that Pandit Nehru, whose birth anniversary is celebrated as Children’s Day in the country, envisioned a united, prosperous and modern India and wanted democracy to be deeply rooted in the country.
In this regard, he stressed that the children, who hold the future of every society, should strive hard to acquire skills and equip themselves intellectually to excel and become global leaders. He further mentioned that female literacy was a matter of concern in the State and urged that Sikkim lead the way in bringing this statistic up. While on education, he expressed happiness on the state government’s initiative in sponsoring meritorious students from rural areas to study in reputed public schools within and outside the state.
On the occasion, the Governor shared that Pandit Nehru had special affection for Sikkim and had visited the State four times. He highlighted that the first Prime Minister of India wanted Sikkim to become a repository of culture and played a pioneering role in setting up the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology and also introduced the Five Year Plan development model for Sikkim.
He also expressed that Sikkim was progressing well and commented that despite of the devastation caused by the 18 September Earthquake, the pace of the development will not slow down here and will instead provide the impetus required to propel it faster.
The Human Resource Development Minister, NK Pradhan, in turn, reminded the young of their responsibilities towards the State and urged them to hone their aptitude and skills well to ensure a still brighter future for the State.
Students of Modern Secondary School and Sir Tashi Namgyal Senior Secondary School also presented patriotic songs on the occasion. The function concluded with the vote of thanks by the HRDD Secretary, CS Rao.
Earlier in the day, the Governor, the HRD Minister and other officials began the day’s observance by garlanding the bust of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru at JN Road Zero Mile.

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