
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Former MP calls for opposition parties to unite

GANGTOK, 21 Nov: Former SDF MP, Nakul Das Rai, has expressed that the time has come for all opposition parties to come together with public concern in mind to spread political awareness among the masses and “demolish the myth” that “only the SDF party has potential to form a government”, informs a press release.
“A look at the political history of Sikkim will prove that it is not impossible for any opposition party to come to power and run the state in a proper manner,” Mr. Rai contens in a press release.
He further contends that the “one-sided” democracy has “crossed its limits” and even after 18 years of its rule, the SDF Government has not been able to tackle issues like rising inflation which has made education and health expensive.
Even in the field of ‘Educare’ the government has not been able to show any positive result, the release alleges.
Despite agriculture being a traditional occupation, the rise in prices of essential goods makes one question the government’s claim of making the state self sufficient, the release adds.   
The former MP has also lashed out at the government’s lack of attention towards the youth which has compelled them into social evils, like drugs and alcohol and created a situation where suicide rates have also increased. 
He has further expressed that the government should pay attention towards tackling the psychological trauma faced by the public post the 18 Sept earthquake and demands to know if the government has been honest with the utilization of the relief funds received.

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