
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Farewell for retired teacher and album release at Chujachen SSS

RONGLI, 30 Oct: Government Sr. Sec. School, Chujachen, East Sikkim organized a farewell ceremony for retired Primary Teacher, Parmeshwar Prasad yesterday.
The school felicitated Mr Prasad and presented a citation to the retired teacher.
PGT (Chemistry), YP Misra's Nepali album ‘Lakchya’ was also released on the occasion by Area MLA, Puran Kumar Gurung.
Mr. Prasad shared his 35 years of teaching experience during the programme while MLA Mr. Gurung also addressed the gathering.
The school also presented a citation to Top 5 winner of Sargam Sikkim and a student of the school, Susma Dahal.
Membership/nomination certificates were also distributed to members of the School Management Committee (SMC), School Management Development Committee (SMDC) on the day.
Also present were SDM Rongli, SDPO Rongli, Karma Gyatso, Chujachen Zilla Panchayat and members of Gram Panchayat, members of School Management Committee (SMC), School Management Development Committee (SMDC), Principal, teachers and students. [from BHANURAJ THAPA]\

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