
Friday, November 18, 2011

Awareness programme for SHGs at Kyongsee

GANGTOK, 18 Nov: Creative Self Help Group (CSHG) of Kyongsee under Karthok-Namcheybong Gram Panchayat Unit of Pakyong organized an awareness generation programme for Self Help Groups at its village cottage industry complex on 15 November.
Area MLA, Beg Bahadur Rai, was present as the chief guest. The main theme of the programme, sponsored by Sikkim Rural Development Agency [SRDA], was to energize the SHGs to come forward and take advantage of government schemes for development and promotion of group activities for improvement of their socio-economic status, informs a press release.
The programme had participants from Dalapchand, Mamring, Chandmari, Tadong, Assam Lingzey and Namcheybong. President, CSHG Laxmi Rai welcomed the guests and briefed about the background of Creative SHG and its cottage industry.
She brought to the notice of all guests and participants present, the different kinds of support SRDA has been extending to Creative SHG and the resultant positive outcome in its production, market support and infrastructure development.
According to the release, chief guest, Mr Rai highlighted the farsightedness of the Chief Minister’s vision towards women’s empowerment and better health initiatives for the Sikkimese people. He urged the SHGs to come forward and take up entrepreneurship schemes. He also inaugurated a noodle making machine that had been procured with the financial support of SRDA.
DDO (East), Muktinath Dhakal suggested many tips for promotion of commercial activities of CSHG and offered words of encouragement to SHGs for promotion of its activities on a wider network.  
Project Director, SRDA, LP Chhetri spoke in detail about the operational modalities of SRDA, its financial support mechanism to SHGs and encouraged the SHG members to take advantage of different schemes under SRDA. He expressed satisfaction over the means of utilization of financial support by CSHG and also gave examples of successful SHGs in operation within Namcheybong.
Secretary of Sikkim Himalayan Green Group, Uttam Chhetri who has been acting as mentor for CSHG urged the executive officers present to consider a Rural Produce Marketing Centre at its manufacturing premises which would solve multifarious needs of CSHG and thus promote its business, the release further mentions.
Other guests present were Senior Extension Officer of SRDA, BK Gautam and ward panchayat member, Omnath Dangal.

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