
Thursday, November 3, 2011

ASESE&UA starts is “Thank You” Mission

GANGTOK, 02 Nov: All Sikkim Educated Self-Employed & Unemployed Association [ASESE&UA] has started its ‘Thank You Mission’ to protest extension of service of retired government employees on extension on Wednesday. This comes as a follow-up to the earlier ‘Farewell Mission’ launched by the association a couple of years ago.
The association started its mission today by thanking a General Manager of SBS, who was on extension since yesterday.
ASESE&UA president, Nawin Kiran stated that the association had used all democratic weapons to protest the ongoing trend of extension in the state but the trend was still going on.
“So we have now started our Thank You Mission to thank the officials and employees on extension for depreving the rights of their junior and unemployed youth and not having any second thoughts for them,” he said.
Mr Kiran mentioned that the association was just trying to highlight the problems presented by the issue of extension of officials and the government should take serious note of it.
The association also alleged that the SBS had recently appointed five employees without following the due procedures and alleges favouritism in this regard.
 He alleged that an ASESE&UA team had visited the SBS and found that five were appointed on favourtism and without proper interview.
Mr Kiran demanded that such practices should be stopped and opportunity should be given to everyone with proper process and thousands of able candidates were ready for such jobs.
He informed that the team hasd also tried to meet the SBS MD but could not as he was not available.

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