
Friday, November 4, 2011

Animal Husbandry promotes livestock and poultry farming with training programme and Calf Rally

GANGTOK, 03 Nov: Farmers training on livestock & poultry management & production along with a calf rally was organized by AH,LF&VS Department West District. The objective behind the program was to raise awareness among the people on livestock wealth development in their own farms and at the village level and to espouse it as sustainable source of income.
The program was presided over by former Panchayat secretary,Adikishor Kathiawara and attended by sizable number of farmers from Yangtey and Bhaluthang. A departmental team headed by Joint Director west, Dr. D.S Tewari,  Dr S.P Bhutia, Deputy Director Mohara and Yanu Raj Chhetri from Bhaluthang Dispensary, S.K Pradhan LSA Loknath Sharma from DVH Gyalshing were present on the occasion.
The program started in the morning with a calf rally at lower Onglop near the Veterinary centre. The competition had fifteen calves and accordingly, three of them were placed in first, second and third position while the rest were awarded consolation prizes. The team of veterinarians also visited the farm of Hemant Khatiwara with more than fifteen H/F Cows. The team analyzed initial stage of mastitis in one cow in the farm. Milk sample was collected and sent for bacteria culture and subsequently for sensitivity test for specific medication.
For the second session, training was conducted at Yangtey Gramprasaran Kendra where Dr. D.S Tewari emphasized that live stock management by technology adoption was the need of the hour. Untill and unless farmers understood simple but appropriate techniques based on scientific methods in livestock farming, they would be unable to get the outcome as per their aspiration. Farmers were encouraged to constantly seek guidance from veterinarians and para-veterinarians.
Dr. S.P Bhutia started his deliberation on poultry farming technology in village conditions. He also gave examples of some poultry farmers in the villages having monthly earning of Rs. 15000 or more. He also highlighted on back yard poultry farming.  He elaborated on broiler farming, layer farming and croiler farming. He also informed on prevalent diseases in poultry and on their control and containment techniques.
V.O and field veterinarian,Dr. Kishor Thapa and also resource person for the day deliberated on dairy farming, He gave details on milch cow management, upholding of pregnant cows, care during parturition, care of new born calf etc. He also informed on the diseases afflicting cattle here and their control and containment methods.
Abikishor Khatiwara expressed gratitude on behalf of all the participants for organizing such a holistic program in their village which could inform people on the potency in livestock farming with scientific methods. [from SANJAY AGARWAL]

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