
Friday, November 4, 2011

9 youth sit on indefinite hunger strike

GANGTOK, 03 Nov: Following reports appearing in NOW! over local youths going on hunger strike over non payment of their dues amount to nearly Rs. 5 lakhs for the construction of the BTS mobile tower at Lungchok, West Sikkim, 9 youths today sat on the indefinite hunger strike at the site where the mobile tower has been constructed.
As a follow up to the report the Labour department has also informed that they will launch an enquiry into the matter  of local youth being exploited by agencies coming from outside. Moreover it is also informed that the DC West, S Pradhan has also called for a meeting for tomorrow at his office to deliberate on the issue. However there has been no response from the concerned company. It was earlier reported by NOW! that local youth had not been paid their due amounting to nearly Rs.5 lakhs for the construction of the BTS tower at Lungchok, West Sikkim for the past almost two years. Even after making 36 trips to Siliguri, where the company office is located, and also after negotiating a reduction of the accruing amount from Rs. 8. Lakhs to Rs. 4.98 lakhs, the company has avoided paying them their dues. Consequently, the youth have decided to sit on an indefinite hunger strike at the site where the tower has been constructed. 

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