
Sunday, September 25, 2011


1. TARPAULIN SHEETS: To cover damaged buildings so that water does not seep through cracks, making structures even weaker. Also for use at relief camps for flooring and protection from rain.
2. CANDLES: Desperately required because stocks have run out after a week of no electricity. If solar lamps can be provided, even better.
3. KEROSENE STOVES: Although kerosene is being sourced from army supplies and other stocks, the relief camps desperately need more kerosene stoves.
4. BOTTLED WATER or WATER PURIFYING TABLETS: With the water supply completely devastated, Water Supply and PHE Department engineers have managed to draw line from Kalapathar to Chungthang. This supply is not adequate and extremely muddy. While bottled water would be ideal for health reasons, adequate supplies may prove difficult to reach to Chungthang and areas beyond. In that event, water purifying tablets should be immediately reached to prevent outbreak of waterborne diseases. Remember, people fleeing from Lachung and other areas further north of Chungthang are camping at Chungthang for a safe way home.

FOR THE RELIEF AND RESCUE TEAMS [although these are required by other people as well]
1. TORCHLIGHTS: Relief workers will find these extremely handy.
2. RAIN COATS: The weather has not been helpful of late and Relief volunteers have been plodding through rain and slush without waterproof gear. Rain coats will make their work easier.
3. GUM BOOTS: For the same reason as above.
The relief workers at Chungthang suggest that the supplies be reached over road to Toong-Naga, till where the roads have been cleared. There is an operational helipad at Naga from where the supplies can be airlifted quicker to Chungthang and areas beyond. They also suggest that relief packages be clearly marked for destinations intended so that there is no confusion.
[List prepared from a conversation with Tseten Lepcha, currently based in Chungthang]

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