
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Chettri Bahun Sangh resolves to assist relief and rehablitation

GANGTOK, 26 Sept: The Akhil Sikkim Khas Chettri Bahun Sangh, in a condolence meeting convened yesterday, observed 2 minutes silence to mourn the earthquake deaths. The meeting, convened under the chairmanship of ASKCBS president, IL Sharma, prayed that those who have sustained injuries make a speedy recovery and expressed that the Sangh stands by all the bereaved families.
The meeting also resolved to contribute Rs. 1.5 lakh to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund to help the relief and rehabilitation efforts. The organization resolved to arrange blood donors to meet the requirements for injured persons as and when required in coordination with other organizations, informs a press release.  
The Sangh has also announced plans to organize 3-day long prayers for the affected people starting 26 September and concluding on 28 Sept with a Hawan, adds the release.
The Sangh has also appealed to all to extend every possible help towards the affected people.

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