
Thursday, August 25, 2011

NASSS takes out strong rally in protest of Public Order Bill and in support of Anna Hazare

GANGTOK, 24 Aug: The protest rally called by the recently-formed Nagarik Adhikar Suraksha Sangathan Sikkim [NASSS] drew strong participation here today as the protesters marched through town raising slogans against the Public Order Bill of the State Government and in support of the Anna Hazare-led movement for the Jan Lokpal Bill at the national level.
The rally started from the Deorali Truck Stand and concluded at the Fish Pond near Paljor Stadium after walking through National Highway 31A, its number swelling as more and more groups joined it through the walk.
The rally received the participation of leaders of Opposition parties, members from different organizations and people from different parts of the state. The rally raised slogans like ‘Anna Hazare Zindabad’, ‘Withdraw the Black Bill’, ‘Prajatantra Kayam Hunai Parcha’, ‘YT Lepcha [the Sikkimese farmer fasting here in support of Anna Hazare] Zindabad’, ‘PS Tamang Zindabad’ etc.
At the Fish Pond, the executive members of NASSS addressed the people and four proposals, endorsed by the gathering, were passed. The executive members of NASS also burnt copies of the Public Order Bill.
The first proposal was to extend full support to Anna Hazare and to his movement; the second demanded that not only should the Public Order Bill be “officially” withdrawn when the Legislative Assembly meets on 26 August but also that it never be introduced “in any form” in the future as well. The third resolution was to sit on dharna outside the residence of the two MPs from Sikkim on 30 August as appealed by Anna Hazare [to pressure on elected representatives to support the Jan Lokpal Bill in Parliament], and finally, the fourth proposal challenged the State Government to pass a resolution in the Assembly announcing that Sikkim was a corruption-free state which extends full support to Anna Hazare and his Jan Lokpal Bill.
While addressing the gathering at the Fish Pond area, the NASS president, TN Dhakal, announced that if the Public Order Bill was passed, he will approach the Supreme Court to challenge the Bill. He alleged that the Bill contains various unconstitutional points, and that through it, the Government was trying to suppress the voice and right to expression of the people.
Mr. Dhakal also remarked that Sikkim was not untouched by corruption and that there was corruption in every work undertaken by the State government here. He questioned why the state government was not taking steps to eliminate corruption like was done in Bihar and Gujarat.
Instead of supporting NASSS in its anti-corruption stand, people’s representatives here were busy trying to stop people from joining this non-political procession, he alleged.
Mr. Dhakal also condemned overt attempts made by the ruling party to forcibly stop people from attending the rally. He claimed that 345 vehicles ferrying supporters of the NASSS rally were stopped from making it to Gangtok from across the State.
The NASSS chief coordinator, MN Dahal, in turn, pointed out that Sikkim’s pride was its prevailing peace, tranquility and brotherhood and this being the case, questioned the need for a Public Order Bill in the state. He contended that the Bill will stop people from even speaking out or expressing their views.
He mentioned that even the CM has accepted many times that corruption was a problem in Sikkim, “why then are the people not allowed to speak out against corruption and why are MLAs and Ministers stopping the people from joining this procession?”.
“Many have alleged that our organization is being backed by PS Tamang, but if we are to talk about support, then we have the full support from the BJP and even many SDF leaders for our initiatives,” he added.
Mr Dahal mentioned that NASS wants to create awareness among the people to build a strong civil society and announced that whenever attempts are made to suppress the voice of the people, such a movement will be launched and the struggle will continue.
“If the Bill is beneficial for the people, as mentioned by the CM’s Press Advisor, Bhim Dahal, then why did the Governor advise the State government to withdraw the Bill,” he questioned further.
He also demanded that the government not only withdraw the Bill in the Assembly but that the CM make amends by “once again becoming the leader he was in 1993”.
The gathering was also addressed by Nima Theeng, Milan Rai and Sonam Bhutia of NASSS.


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