
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

One arrested with Yarchagompu at Serathang

GANGTOK, 26 July: One person was detained today in possession of 1.2 kg of Yarchagompu [caterpillar grass] by Customs officials at Serathang, official trade mart for the Nathula border trade on the Indian side. The origins of the consignment and what the accused planned to do with it is not yet clear. Yarchagompu, an insect parasite fungus having high commercial demand as a health tonic and aphrodisiac, is found in altitudes above 11,500 feet. Its trade is bound by several laws in India and traffic not allowed.

The Legal counsel of the Forest Department, Jagat Rai, confirming the arrest, informed that the accused has been booked under Section 27, 29, 35[6], 51, 52 of Wildlife Act and 42[3]/83/84 of Sikkim Forest Act by the Gangtok Range Office.
The incident was also confirmed by the Divisional Forest Officer [Wildlife-East] Ravi Kumar.
The RO, Dhananjay Pradhan, informs that the accused, detained by the Customs officials at Serethang was subsequently released. By then, the Forest Department had been informed and following coordination with Sikkim Police, the accused was arrested at 3rd Mile check-post while he was returning.
“We are awaiting official details from the Custom Officials which will be handed over to us tomorrow,” Mr. Pradhan said.
In the meanwhile, the accused has be brought down to Gangtok and will be kept in custody at the Sadar Thana.

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