
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Forest Deptt to begin afforestation at drought-prone Salghari

NAMCHI, 06 July: In light of directions passed by the Chief Minister during his Salghari halt as part of his village-to-village tour, that Forest department enhance the green cover in this drought-prone area, the Department convened a meeting at the Salghari Secondary School premises and discussed such plans for the entire belt.

It was decided that the entire belt starting form Lower Assangthang to Lower Salghari, Lower Dorop be taken up for afforestation work. A total of 5 Panchayat wards fall under the proposed area and the meeting decided to make division-wise allotment of wards leaded by Upper Salghari and Lower Salghari ward by DFO (LU &E)/S, Lower Dorop Ward by DFO(S/F)/S, Upper Dorop Ward DFO (T)/S and Dharagoan Ward by DFO (NTFP)/S.
The meeting also decided to form field-level committees for proper and smooth afforestation work. The field level committee comprises Aita Raj Rai, Zila Panchayat member as Chairman, Bishnu Kant Sharma and Headmaster Salghari Sec. School as member secretary, Ram kumar Tamang, Gagan Rai, Geeta Subba, Jaslal Rai, Rabin Manger as members of the committee.
In order to strengthen the field level committee, a District level Monitoring Committee was also formed which comprises DM/S AK Singh as Chairman, DFO(S/F)/S as Member Secretary, DFO (LU &E)/S, DFO (T)/S, DFO (NTFP)/S as committee members.
For proper evaluation and independent monitoring of afforestation works, a Monitoring Committee comprising of teachers of Salghari Sec. School was also formed.
During the meeting HM Salghari Sec. School requested the compilation of the monitoring report and submit the report with consultation with the Chairman of field level committee and district level committee for necessary action.
The areas identified to be covered are avenues leading from lower Assangthang to Raikagaon, Daragoan and Salghari and vacant private and forest land (Khasmal, Gaucharan) that fall under GPU. The meeting also decided to cover 20 hectares of land to be covered with different species like Panisaj, lampatey, chewri, amala, jarul, bougainvillea, lalupatey, bar nevera, cassia, bamboo etc.
The meeting decided to award cash incentive of Rs. 20,000 to the ward which shows highest survival percentage of planted saplings.
The site clearance and digging of pits began on 04 July.

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