
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Phidang and Dikchu plant 2,500 saplings to mark WED

MANGAN, 07 June:  World Environment Day was observed at Phidang in Lower Dzongu in North Sikkim on Sunday with Phigu Lepcha, president, Reepbum Rumtong Kurmom, a Lower Dzongu based NGO, as chief guest. Around 1,000 saplings were planted at the stretch from Phee Khola to Phidang Bridge.
The function started with a welcome speech by Panchayat Secretary Tshering Gyatso Lepcha followed by the Headmaster, Phidang Primary School, who spoke on the importance of maintaining green cover.
The function concluded with a vote of thank delivered by RRK general secretary Sherab Lepcha.
The plantation drive was conducted by the Lum/Gor/Sangtok GPU in collaboration with Phidang Primary School and was attended by the general public, including the students.
Similarly, the scouts and guides of Dikchu Secondary School also planted around 1,500 saplings in and around school campus under the supervision of their teacher Tshering Wangchuk Lepcha and ex-School Captain Amir Rai. The plantation drive took out from School campus to Dikchu Bazaar

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