
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Meeting resolves to suspend work at Dikchu HEP power house for one week

MANGAN, 13 June: A meeting was held yesterday between Sneha Kinetic Power Project Ltd. SKPPL, the project developer of the 96MW Dikchu Hydel Project, Drillcon Infrastructure, a subsidiary of SKPPL, the Project Implementation Committee, executive members from the Dikchu branch of the All Sikkim Democratic Labour Front and workers here at the project office. The meeting was convened by the Project Implementation Committee to sort out differences between the labourers complaining of unsafe working conditions and the management. 
Chung Chung Tongden Lepcha of the PIC highlighted that unless there was better coordination between the project developer and the workers, the project will not progress and urged for a mutual understanding to be arrived at between the two parties.

The labour representatives reiterated their demand that the Labour Department prohibition order suspending all tunnel related works till a bridge was constructed across Dikchu khola to the work-site. At present, the workers have to make their way across on an unsteady ropeway.
They also placed demands for facilities like safe drinking water, setting up of a rain shed, toilet, project dispensary and other amenities at the work site.
Ezekiel Lepcha, president, ASDLF Dikchu-branch, highlighted that the project itself was a part of development but the project developer should ensure safe working conditions and supported all demands raised by the workers. 
On his part, the Deputy General Manager, SKPPL, officially announced the immediate setting up of a dispensary and deputation of doctors at the project site and informed that the demands will be fulfilled phase-wise.
He also informed that the experts for the construction of a bridge had already arrived along with the materials and it will take at least a week to complete the bailey bridge to the right bank of Dikchu river.
In conclusion, a written agreement was signed by all parties agreeing to suspend work at the power house site for one week till the bridge was in place.

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