
Thursday, June 16, 2011


“Democratic provisions should be used for general good, not exploited by vested interests”
GANGTOK, 15 June: Chief Minister Pawan Chamling today inaugurated the Auditorium of the High Court of Sikkim.
“All the democratic institutions like the executive, judiciary, legislative and the fourth estate are meant to serve the larger interest of the people and the nation at large. All these institutions should be utilized for common good and not misused for some sectarian purpose or individual interest. However, it pains me to recount how in many cases, the democratic provisions are being misused by some vested interest groups. Like for example, in majority of cases, misusing the provision, information under RTI is being sought by vested parties without any real interest to secure any genuine information for any genuine purpose,” the CM said in his inaugural address.

“Rule of law is paramount in the functioning of state government, in addition to all the democratic dividends, we have devised special programme for the deprived section of the people, the poor and the vulnerable,” he further said.
Sikkim, by general consensus, is the most peaceful state in the country. Over the decades, we have been able to provide the best example in terms of maintenance of law and order, citizen’s security and social cohesiveness and being surrounded by three international borders, we have offered the best case of how people living in the border state remain immune to all the fluid socio-political atmosphere prevailing across the border, said the Chief Minister, while addressing the gathering.
“As we move ahead together with our shared value and our shared commitment, we must continue to remain that agent and that force to not only restrain the heartless but also change the heart of the heartless,” he said.
Chief Justice PD Dinakaran, in turn said, “The court is often said to be the ‘Temple of Justice’ because among all the virtues, justice is the most wanted for both, the ruler as well as those who are ruled.” If the courts are the temples of justice, the lawyers are its pillars. The temple without pillars will be odd to imagine. Take away the lawyers, the temples would be without pillars and will tumble down, he stressed.
Also to address the gathering were Justice SP Wangdi, Judge High Court of Sikkim and Secretary, Buildings and Housing Department, who read out the report on the construction of the High Court auditorium which was built on a budget of Rs. 25 Lakhs, started in April 2011 and completed recently and has a seating capacity of 150.

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