
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rotarians visit District Jail at Namchi

GANGTOK: Members of the Rotary Club of Gangtok, accompanied by members of the Inner Wheel Club of Gangtok, visited the District Jail at Namchi on 15 May, Sunday, a Rotary press release informs. The visit was unique as the children of Namchi Blind School were also invited to the programme, the release highlights.
The Rotarians had been invited by the Superintendent of Police KL Tenzin to spend the day with the inmates at the jail and also participate in an entertainment programmme hosted by both, the inmates of the jail and the children of the blind school. Even the SP presented a number of songs which broke the ice and attracted wider participation of the inmates, the release adds.

Mohan Lal Sarda, a member of the Rotary Club, entertained the audience with a comic performance which was received with peels of laugher, the release adds.
The Rotarians and the Inner Wheel members donated a television, clothes and tarpaulin sheets for the inmates. The children of the Blind School were also given gift hampers. The club hosted a lunch for the all the staff inmates and children of the blind school with the support of the jail authorities on the day.

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