
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Karmapa claimant offers a compromise- “Seat all three as Karmapa under my leadership”

GANGTOK, 06 May: Dawa Sangpo, a Karmapa claimant from Sikkim, expressed his desire to solve the Karmapa reincarnation imbroglio by offering that he was open to all three – Ogyen Thinley Dorje, Trinley Thaye Dorje and himself – being recognised as the Karmapa provided he led the troika.
Addressing a press conference today, he referred to the Dalai Lama's statement published in the Outlook magazine [of 24 January 2000] suggesting that the candidates sit together to solve the Karmapa issue.
Dawa Sangpo said today that he is ready to “compromise” and share the seat at the Rumtek Dharma Charka Centre with the “other Karmapa claimants” if senior religious leaders and the people want him to do so, provided that he was given the main seat and the other two followed his leadership.
Maintaining that he was the “genuine Karmapa”, he said that he was willing to make this “sacrifice” in the interest of the welfare and betterment of the people around the world. He claimed that the natural disasters and problems plaguing the world at present were because he has not been allowed to take his seat at Rumtek.

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