
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Construction workers briefed on their rights


SINGTAM, 03 May: A seminar cum awareness programme on “Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service Act 1996 for construction workers” was held at the community hall here on Tuesday.
The seminar was held under Building and Other Construction Workers’ (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 and Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act 1996 organized by the Labour Department in coordination with Lanco Infratech Ltd.
Deputy Labour Commissioner, DS Kunwar, informed that these Acts provide various measures for the workers engaged in construction work and as per the rules, every establishment engaged in construction work, including contractors, have to register with the Labour Department.
He informed that construction workers cannot be made to work for more than 8 hours in a day and in case of overtime work they should be paid double their wages.

Mr. Kunwar further informed that the workers who have worked for 3 months or more in a particular establishment could obtain the relevant forms from Labor Department for registration and deposit the required fee as per the rules.
In this regard, he said that the beneficiary workers are covered with Rs 1 lakh insurance from the New India Assurance under Personal Accident Policy in case of accidental death.
Apart from this, he also highlighted that the beneficiaries will get welfare facilities like medicine, injury compensation, death compensation etc.
Minister for Industries and Labour, Neeru Sewa, was present as chief guest accompanied by area MLA, Singtam-Khamdong, Am Prasad Sharma as special guest. The function began with the welcome speech by Joint Labour Commissioner, Bishan Rai.
In his address, area MLA said that workers should be aware of these Acts and added that every worker will receive protection whether he is a local or a non-local. He further thanked Lanco for the construction of the protective work at Sirwani.  
Ms. Sewa, in her address, said that the government had increased the labor wages to Rs. 130 for unskilled, Rs. 145 for semi-skilled, Rs. 165 for skilled and Rs.190 for highly-skilled workers, adding that the benefit of high altitude allowance should also be provided and appealed to all workers to apprise themselves of this.
The Minister invited every worker to approach the Labor Department in case of any doubts about wages and facilities accorded to them.   She also highlighted the need for provision of crèches by companies in the project area and special awareness schemes for female workers.
Worker representatives in turn put forth their demands like.
The chief guest also inaugurated a health camp organized by the department with paramedical teams from Lanco on the day. Six workers from Lanco Infratech Ltd. were awarded prizes for their sincere contribution and dedication to their work.  A colorful cultural programme was also presented by All Sikkim Cultural Organization during the function.
Workers and employees from different hydro electric power projects like NHPC, Lanco, Teesta Urja, Drillcon Infrastruture Pvt Ltd etc attended the seminar.  Also present were, Chairperson Labour Welfare Board, Passang R. Sherpa, Member Labor Welfare Board, Norjang Lepcha, General Manager, Lanco, Singtam Nagar Panchayat and the workers.

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