
Monday, May 9, 2011

ASESE&UA to organise career guidance programme

GANGTOK, 08 May: The All Sikkim Educated Self-Employed & Unemployed Association [ASESE&UA] has announced plans to organise a career guidance programme on 14 May at Janta Bhawan here next Saturday. The programme is being held on the theme, “guide Sikkimese youth towards self reliance” and seeks to address the problem of unemployment in Sikkim.
Addressing a press conference today, the ASESE&UA president, Nawin Kiran, informed that the second-Saturday event will be an “introductory symposium” to inform the youth of the various government programmes and schemes available for unemployed youth in Sikkim.
Unemployment, he maintained, was a serious and continuing problem which would require the collective effort of all Sikkimese to solve.

The association has invited representatives from government departments, private industries, PSUs and universities from within and outside Sikkim to speak at the event and update unemployed youth here about skill-development and job options available with them.
“This is just the start of the programme and our association has targeted to bring down the number of unemployed in the State substantially this year,” Mr Kiran said.
Also on the occasion, the ASESE&UA has plans to felicitate six individuals from different fields for contributions to their respective fields. The programme is likely to have the Vice-Chancellor, Sikkim Manipal University, Brig SS Pabla, as the chief guest.
The association has invited youth and students from around the State to attend the programme and “take full benefit of the available schemes and opportunities in the state”.
Mr Kiran expressed hope that the State government will support the initiative as well.

1 comment:

  1. I Feel ASESE&UA is in the right direction. We first should find out whether just being educated makes us eligible for the employment? And does employment means Government Jobs? What our youths want to do? I have seen many youth who after getting the government job feels he has become the sarkar ka admi. He does not deliver. A person doing well as a teacher in a private institution in low salary gets a government job and then he becomes more interested in his home posting. I am not pointing out to teachers alone all other employees. If our Engineers work with honesty and dedication, then we will have good roads and building.If doctors do then healthcare will be good. If police sheds the ego of their uniform they become approachable to the society and if we follow the rules we become good citizen and Sikkim become heaven.


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