
Sunday, April 24, 2011

TYC marches to save Kriti Monastery from Chinese crackdown

GANGTOK, 22 April: A peace rally was taken out today by the Tibetan Youth Club from the Chokasum Hall in Namnang. The rally was to protest against the Chinese crackdown on the Kriti Monastery at Gnaba in the Sichuan Province of China which has been targeted with vicious reprisals ever since a 20 year old monk immolated himself there to protest against Chinese occupation of Tibet. The Chinese authorities are reportedly attempting to empty the monastery of its monks and the residents there have already thwarted such attempts once.

With today’s rally, the TYC here is lending support to the rising demand calling on United Nations and governments around the work to intervene and pressure China to withdraw its troops from Kriti monastery.
The rally, participated by around 200 supporters carrying banners and placards, moved down to Deorali, walked up from Pani House, past the Taxi Stand, on to Tibet Road, New Market and back to Chokasum.
The rally also recorded support for the relay hunger strike underway at the TYC Centre in Dharmashala demanding the immediate withdrawal of Chinese military from Kriti Monastery and to allow basic rights including religious freedom and the freedom of the movement of the monks.

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