
Monday, April 11, 2011

Teesta Urja sponsors science lab for school and meditation cabins for monastery at Chungthang

MANGAN, 10 April: The Bhavishya Bharat Foundation of Teesta Urja Ltd handed over 10 meditation cabins [for monks] and a Science Laboratory to Tasha Tangay Secondary School at Chungthang in North Sikkim. The inauguration programme had the North Zilla Adhakshya Khamsoom Lepcha, as chief guest and was also attended by the Chungthang SDM, Tashi Chopel, SDPO, Medical Officer,  CDPO, Panchayat President and Panchayat members of Chungthang ward, Headmaster and staff of the school, General Manager Dam Site (TUL), Manager from SEW & NEC. The Chief Guest inaugurated and handed over the official papers to the School Managing Committee, Headmaster and the Gumpa Committee. The chief guest and the Gumpa Committee thanked the BBF for constructing the two facilities.

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