
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

SIBLAC and NASBO remember Chogyal’s birth and coronation anniversary

GANGTOK, 05 Apr: SIBLAC [Sikkim Bhutia-Lepcha Apex Committee] and National Sikkimese Bhutia Organisation [NASBO 371 F], have, in separate press communiqués, extended “heartfelt congratulations and compliments” to the people of Sikkim on the occasion of the official birthday and coronation anniversary of the Late Chogyal, Palden Thondub Namgyal, which fell on 04 April.
“His Majesty Miwang Palden Thondub Namgyal shall always be held in the highest of esteem by the Sikkimese people for the principles he endeavored single-handed in his keen quest to ensure the pride and rights of the Sikkimese people. Infact, the Sikkim Assembly rightly records in its obituary to the His Majesty on his death that the posterity and his descendants would always held their head high for the entire outstanding and uncompromising stand he took against the overwhelming odds during his whole lifetime,” a SIBLAC press release states.

The NASBO president, Sonam Kaelon, in turn conveys, “It becomes our grateful duty to remember and respect to all the uncomparable contributions that the late Chogyal rendered to us, throughout his lifetime. In fact, the Sikkimese people owe their current advancement and development to this outstanding and remarkable democratic Monarch, the world had ever seen.”
The SIBLAC press release, issued by its convenor, Tseten Tashi Bhutia, highlights that it is “our added responsibility to try practicing the principles already exemplified by him.”
“Simultaneously, it also becomes the common responsibility of the politicians and the Indian Government to achieve and materials all the commitments it made to the Sikkimese people, of which the Late His Majesty was the tallest witness and most significantly of the historic May 8 Tripartite Agreement ensuring common destiny for the Sikkimese people,” its stresses.
The release adds that SIBLAC, in collaboration with other organizations, had planned for “an impressive ceremonial Birthday celebration” at the Chogyal’s statue near Tibetology, but called it off in light of the Sikkim Bandh on the day.

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