
Friday, April 8, 2011

RMDD sanctions Rs. 40 lakh to replace Rodong khola’s killer bridge

GANGTOK: The Rural Management and Development Department on Thursday sanctioned around Rs. 40 lakhs for immediate construction of a steel bridge over Rodong Khola under Rey Gram Panchayat Unit in East Sikkim to replace the existing bridge there which is in a deplorable condition. [click here for background]
One of the villagers of Rodong, while speaking to NOW! on Tuesday had rightly pointed out, “Now this incident [a young boy had lost his lives after falling from the Rodong Bridge] might open the eyes of the concerned authorities.”

Confirming the same, BDO Ranka, Urbashi Poudyal said, “After meeting with the RMDD Secretary, an estimate of Rs. 40 lakhs has been approved and the file proceeding will be completed within this month.”
She further said, “This work will be handed over to the Co-operative society of the concerned area as per the standing Government directions, and the work will be immediately carried out.”
As NOW! had reported on 06 April, 50-metre long suspension bridge, in a typically pathetic condition, had claimed the life of a young boy on Sunday. BDO Ranka, under whose jurisdiction the bridge falls, and a team comprising of senior officials of the RMDD immediately visited the location.
The incident was also taken up by the Lok Sabha MP, PD Rai.
Claiming the incident to have been ‘very unfortunate’, Ms. Poudyal, informed that the process for sanctioning the amount was moved back in February.
“The process was delayed because two works of similar nature are underway in the same GPU,” she said over the phone.
She assured the villagers that the construction works for a permanent steel bridge will be undertaken immediately. The present bridge in the meantime is to be closed to avoid any further mishaps.
On the other hand, Lok Sabha MP has assured proper monitoring on immediate implementation and also for the quality of the work from his side.

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