
Monday, April 4, 2011

North shuts down for SDF Sikkim Bandh

MANGAN, 04 April: The various wards and the GPUs of North district took out rallies in their respective areas today in support of the SDF-sponsored 2-day Sikkim Bandh to press for local employment in private establishments in Sikkim, including hydel projects, and to reiterate support for Sikkim’s demands still pending with the Centre.
The people of Tingchim-Mangshila, for example, took out a rally from Mangshila to Tingchim Zero [for upper belt] covering about 7 kms and from 4th Mile to Tingchim Zero for Lower belt which is around 5 kms long.
The rally was led by Zilla panchayat member Zomin Limboo and was joined by youth and senior citizens of the area.

Similarly, the people of Dzongu also took out a rally from Gnon Sangdong, Gor and Sangtok-Sagyong to Pheedang in Lower Dzongu. The rally was participated in by panchayat members, youth and party supporters.
The North district highway remains empty of traffic today with only a few army vehicles plying on it. All the shops, offices, schools and hydel project sites remain closed.

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